ISI is working hard to promote the ISI We Skate Program. Not everyone is aware of the many benefits of using the ISI We Skate Program. The main office will send you a CD ROM that will provide you with everything you need to run a successful learn to skate program. Skill sheets, promotional flyers, class lists, and posters can all be printed from this disk. Your welcome kit will provide you with all you need to get started right away.
Champs will be held in Denver Colorado next summer. I strongly recommend putting together a team to attend. It is a wonderful experience for skaters, coaches, and parents! Once you have participated in such a large, well run event you will want to go every year. The opportunity to compete with other skaters from all over the World in incomparable. In Chicago last summer ISI hosted several fun events for the competitiors and their families such as a parade, picnic, and DJ dance party.
If you have any questions or content that you would like to see added to this page please contact me.